Thursday, 30 September 2010

photo project 1

Portfolio title: my images 
Target audience: 15 + 
Theme: nature 
Presentation medium: (print/Web/slideshow)
Portfolio goals and objectives:
• What does the project aim to do?- it aims to show the amazing side of nature as autum approches.
• What effect do you want to have on the audience? - i want the audiance to actually see how good pictures can look from just a season of a year.
• Is there a question you are exploring?
Portfolio description: Explain the types of images the portfolio will contain, such as:
• Portraits
• Night
• Close-ups
Location and resources:
• Where will your images be taken?- the images will be taken around crawley central.
• What equipment will you need?- i will need a camera and maybe a tripod and the object im using to make the picture.

Friday, 24 September 2010

assingment 1

1) what is the differnce between traditional photgraphy and digital photography ?. traditional photography means it uses light and crystals and if the crystals react to the light then it will not work where as digital you do not need the crystals because it has a sensor instead of a film.

2) what are the differnt sources of digital images ?.
- camera's                    memory stick
- dvds                          hardrive
- mobile phones           cctv
- internet
most of these that have been listed actually take the picture and dont have to re file it or mess around with it but some you have to move and format to get the picture.

3) how are digital image files stored and played on a computer ?.
if it is a good camera that you are using then the format will be RAW but they are very big files and take up a lot of space for just pictures and they cannot be edited apart from photshop.
( USB cable WI-FI, bluetooth ) J-peg squashes the quality of the picture to make it a smaller file but still has a good standered.

4) how is digital image file quality measured ?.
anoloque, you have to use the light sensitive e.g. you have to use photographic paper and when converting them the reason why it is red is because it is the only colour that works with the paper.
with a one megapixel camera it means there is 1 million pixels and it is not very good to compare with a 6 mega pixel, and the differnce between them are that the 1 megapixel is more blurry and doesnt have the same quality.

Friday, 17 September 2010

lesson 1

i want to be able to know the actual meaning of pictures and the importance of them.