Thursday 3 March 2011

research and plan for film poster

  1. Is the movie title prominently featured? Is the text easy to read? - the title is good in the poster because it is in the middle and differnt colour font and the txt is quite hard to read because it is placed where lightd arebeaming up so you cannot read it as easily as you would want.
  2. Are the main actors shown? If so, which ones? - yes the main actor are shown and the special guests in the film, and they are able to see the writing easy.
  3. What is the design of the movie poster? Does it accurately reflect the mood and tone of the film? - it is based in an arena with lots of lights around and crowds with the charecters flipping mid air and standing in the middle of the poster.
  4. What other images are included? What do you notice about the framing of the images? -  there are no other images really it is all one image put together with the charecters.
  5. What text is shown on the poster? Is there a catchy slogan? If so, what does it tell you about the movie's story? - it tells you when it is getting released, the main charecters, the special stars in the film, that it is in 3D and there slogan is good because it is appropiate for the film.
  6. Is there any other important information included on the poster? - yeah that there are some special stars in the film, so alot of people will be interested by that, and that will get them a lot of customers.
  7. Why do/don't you think this movie poster is persuasive? -  i dont think that it is very persuasive because it is quite hard to read because of the lighting and it doesnt look very effective.

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